Message from the General Management

Dear customers, collaborators and friends:

In December 2019, nobody imagined that in 2020 the world would be so different due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of the world economy.

At Oilfield Group, the health and safety of our employees is paramount. We spare no effort to take the necessary measures to maintain our operations and at the same time take care of the human capital and equipment that ensures a continuous and uninterrupted process.

All our clients can be sure that we will continue to meet our high levels of service and product quality. While it is true that the price of oil has suffered a significant drop and volatility since before the COVID-19 crisis began, it is also true that Mexico does not necessarily react at the same speed as the rest of the world in energy matters. TAR and CRE reference prices often fluctuate inexplicably and capriciously, even going against international market trends.

The high volatility in the oil market has put tremendous pressure on the Supply Chain processes. We have assigned our best talent and the all the financial resources required to rationalize the acquisition of fuel in the international market and make sure it is available for our customers in Mexico. This with the primary objective of maintaining inventories at competitive prices that ensure consistency in the supply to our clients and prospects.

Our company knows how to navigate these turbulent waters with the great intelligence, discipline, market strategy, teamwork and responsibility towards all of our customers.

Once again, thank you for your trust in the Oilfield Group, looking forward to seeing you soon.


Javier Pantoja


The Production and Exploration in Mexico

The importance of having a reliable supplier in the Exploration and Production industry

The Energy Reform allowed competition in the fuel market and PEMEX, which for more than 80 years guaranteed the supply of fuels, now shares responsibility with private companies participating in the market. Such is the case of OILFIELD GROUP (OFG), a company specialized in providing Integral Solutions in Energy Security.

The free commercialization of fuels allows companies like OILFIELD GROUP to import refined products directly from a cluster of refineries in the south of Texas and sell it through their own brands at service stations or to any sector that consumes oil. This has represented a significant increase in the import of fuel of American origin, which, prior to its sale for final consumption, will need to be stored or supplied to customers under the “Just in Time” scheme, that is, with logistics that allow delivery just when needed, like the one offered by OILFIELD GROUP.

At the same time, the increase in hydrocarbon production derived from the exploration and extraction activities in Mexico, carried out by the companies that won the bidding rounds and Farmouts, such as Cheiron, Diabaz, Deutsche Erdoel Mexico, Tecpetrol, Petrofac or service companies, like Perforadora Latina or Cotemar, to name a few, need to have storage facilities close to their production sites. In addition, they will require the supply of high volumes of fuel, mainly diesel, in order to supply their assets dedicated to exploring and producing the so-called black gold, such as platforms, jack ups, rigs, boats, barges, etc. Source: NRGI Broker, Diesel Storage.

For this reason, it’s necessary to have a reliable, serious fuel supplier that offers traceability in the product from origin to destination, that certifies purity in the product and that guarantees the supply at the agreed times. A specific example is that of a drilling platform for whom it is extremely important to have superior fuel that support the level of quality required, without compromising the life of the asset.

The use of poor quality or adulterated fuel can cause serious engine damage. The consequences will depend on the time of use, as well as the degradation suffered by the fuel. It is important to remember that this type of equipment work at full capacity during long periods of time; The more complex and modern the engine, the greater its vulnerability to mixed or poor quality fuels. Given this, irreversible damage could be caused to current equipment, that can take a platform out of operation, resulting in unimaginable losses and affecting oil production; thus incurring in excessive expenses for the company.

Unfortunately, there are no devices that quickly allow to analyze the quality of the fuel, therefore, a customer’s best guarantee is to have a supplier like Oilfield that can adhere 100% to regulations, supply the product as it is obtained from the refinery (without intermediaries or mixtures). A company that can deliver with its own fleet and units dedicated exclusively and entirely to the consumer. Other offers that are not supported by solid arguments are offers that do not deserve a customer’s trust.

Oilfield Group represents trust, supply guarantee and storage tailored for the client.

Article written by Juan Pablo Peresandi G.

Auto transport in Mexico

Nowadays, the auto transport sector in Mexico is going through a historic period of engine updating ( Euro V / EPA 07 and Euro VI / EPA 10), a fleet modernization and a unique environmental regulation on Emissions of Pollutants to the Atmosphere (* The Recent NOM 044), all in order to reach year 2021 with the manufacture of Euro VI engines, which will only work efficiently and productively with Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD Diesel). * Source ANPACT, “El Economista del 27 August 2019 ”.

The DIESEL ULSD availability in Mexico has grown in the last two years, at a rate of 71% of national coverage in 2017, to 81% in 2018 and finally, 79% in 2019 (until the month of July). These percentages confirm that it has decreased again. However, at OILFIELD GROUP (OFG), we are committed to the development of the Auto Transport industry in Mexico. Today we guarantee our clients coverage over 95% of the national territory in DIESEL ULSD, through our proposal of INTEGRAL SOLUTIONS IN ENERGY SECURITY, which include the Supply, Logistics, Storage and Volumetric Control Systems.
Some tangible benefits of our products are:

National coverage in 95% of the country.

Constant supply to customers 24 hours and 365 days a year.

Logistics and owned transportation equipment (by wheels, rail, boats or pipelines).

Fuels that dramatically reduce polluting emissions.

Average fuel savings between 3% and 6%.

20% increase in the useful life of equipment and units.

Reduction of 4% in Preventive, Predictive and Corrective maintenance.

Miguel Ángel Jiménez C.
Commercial Vicepresiden

Welcome to Oilfield Group

Dear customers and friends:

I’m glad to share with you the relaunch of our website and inform you about the latest developments in our company.

Our new web-site seeks to transmit the Oilfield Group approach to the business of selling refined petroleum products and hydrocarbon storage in Mexico and Central America, under the concept of Integral Energy Security Solutions .

Oilfield’s new corporate image, that comes hand in hand with the relaunching of our website, will be strengthened with the participation and endorsement of the Oilfield Group to different sporting activities in the world of horseback riding, specifically with the participation of our riders and horses in National and International competitions.

I proudly announce the arrival of Mr. Juan Pablo Peresandi and Miguel Ángel Jiménez to the Oilfield Group family, who will occupy the position of Vice President of Alliances and New Businesses and Commercial Vice President, respectively. Juan Pablo and Miguel Ángel add several years of experience in the hydrocarbon industry to the company, and we are sure that both will be key factors to continue reaping success in our respective market. Welcome!

Finally, I want to assure my commitment to our customers that, day by day, rely on Oilfield Group to generate Integral Energy Security Solutions in their respective activities.


Javier Pantoja Navajas